Sunday, November 22, 2009

A dog like no other

Here is a fact, "I LOVE DOGS". am in fact, crazy about dogs. What makes me like them so much??? I can't explain. It's not even like I've had and successfully trained too many dogs. But if youn place Brad Pitt and a puppy before, and ask me to choose one, I'll blindly pick the puppy.

Anyway, what i want to talk about here is about a particular breed of dogs- Labradors. Having a labrador in house is altogether a new life.

A labrador puppy is pretty much like a real human baby himself. The singular difference is in their appearance and origins. A cuddly ball of fur and energy. That is what they are. With a size no more than your palm, these pups can shoot away from your sight in a matter of seconds.

Ever a package of delight, these pups have but four activities (probably like any other puppy but in there extreme forms)- eating, playing, pooping/peeing and sleeping- an ideal childhood.

We were told, there are two places a pup learns to recognize first and foremost when you are housebreaking them- the place where they eat and the place where they sleep.

These puppies crave for their family's FULL-time attention. And trust me, if they are not asleep and not seeking your attention, they are definitely up to something messy. The result could strapless slippers, chewed off furniture legs, empty lotion bottles, dug up flower beds, muddy paw-prints, food missing from the table and if your case is like mine, eaten of mobiles. They have an amazing teething capacity. Almost endless. And while they grow up they know exactly what they should do to be the centre of attraction in the family. They can show immense affection- So lovely- your knees feel weak before it.

It takes tremendous patience, cleverness, plan and love to train a lab pup to perfection. Love is something they'll automatically draw out of you. Th e rest is something you have to vigorously prepare yourself for.

I'm not in the least claiming that other puppies couldn't be this cute! But then these love-balls are empowered with a special sense of getting super pampered . However there's always enough place on this planet for a little more love.

So sit back and relax while stroking your llabrador who is sur to be by your side as and when you want it. :) .

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