Thursday, October 1, 2015

Watching butterflies return

Simplicity is intoxicating. It is so simple that its being becomes difficult to comprehend. Simplicity is so complicated.

Today I felt the power of simplicity watching butterflies flutter around the garden. It came as a gush of relief. Relief because I did not see so many butterflies for such a long time. I remember, as kids me and my sister would jump around the garden trying to catch butterflies. We would temporarily put them in a jar and then let them go. I still remember how I EEWED when I found that the butterfly I caught had a powdery thing on its wings and that was on my finger after I held it. We would get a feeling of such victory! And when we discussed these accomplishments with our parents, my dad told us how he used to go around catching squirrels and dyeing them. It seems they used to have a competition with the neighbourhood kids, over their skill of trapping squirrels.

Why did the simplicity of all these happenings and memories hit me today? May be because, indeed some of the most cherished things in life, come for free. A stolen moment of glee, of purposeless victory, of listening to your parents' childhood, of watching a delicate thing of beauty, of being able to feel the bliss of all these moments. Where would we be if we don't have these stories to recollect, to share, to cherish? It felt so great to see these pretty little butterflies visit our garden once again given that of late, they weren't around so much. Although one of the most common greenish butterfly was not visible, I saw a lot of other varieties. A particular beauty in black with dazzling fluorescent green stripes. Then there was an orange one and another which seemed a faint blue from a distance. It made me think, may be we have done something right after all, something right enough to coax these light beauties to come to us, to let us watch them, to marvel and feel so pretty and serene inside. For such stolen moments of bliss, simplicity- you are just so intoxicating.

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