Saturday, March 9, 2013

Click goes the shutter...

I bought myself a Canon 550D somewhere around the mid of 2011. Actually it was a little before the mid I guess. Either ways, never mind. Here's the thing, I think this is the best way I utilize my free time.

I developed a fancy for Canon stuffs from my Dad. He had a Pentax SLR and when he used to use it, well he did a great job. I however did not come to appreciate the details until much later.

It is true that with the sudden spurge of wide range of cheap DSLRs, the number of people carrying a 'BIGGISH' camera has increased a lot. I once read someone complaining everybody seems to be buying DSLRs these days and thinking themselves to be big-shot photographers. Well, I would not like to comment on that, although yes, I would like to mention that the power of these cameras does make you feel good. ;).

I started off with the standard kit lens- 18-55mm. About an year and few months later, I bought myself a 50mm f1.8 lens. This is when I fell in love with sharp images. Although I was worried about the pentagonal bokehs and noisy machinery of this lens, it just did not matter after the first few click.

However my endeavors to take better and more memorable pictures is highly motivated, scrutinized, criticized and improved by one person to whom I owe all my basic camera knowledge and the technical info behind some simple rules to ensure a nice picture. This guy is my friend and pretty much camera-mentor- Prateek. Needless to mention he has had an unfaltering and self motivated dedication take better pictures everyday. If you would like to check out his work you can visit his facebook page:

As for me, well I'm still a novice. Some unexpected appreciations feel cool.:). And it really motivates me too. But most of all, as I said, this hobby is the best way I utilize my free time. Constructive and learning, it allows me to widen my imagination and since there are no deadlines to meet here, I can pick whatever pace I wish to proceed in. :). I do love photography. :).

That's my page. I will feel very happy if you like it enough to hit 'Like' . You know that would post my latest uploads in my page to your wall and may be make you feel better??? I don't know. But no harm in me trying.. right.. ;)..

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